England Premier League — 01 March 2013

Arsen Wenger, The gunner Boss has seen many ups and downs in his career, but this time he has been under so much scrutiny, as  the squad labored from one crisis to another. They crashed out from both cup competitions and suffered a comprehensive 3-1 defeat to BayerPay back time for Wengern Munich in their champions league match.

Well, it’s all but over for fans to hope for a trophy since 2005, but nevertheless they still have motivation that’s worth fighting for. There is a thin but significant chance of forcing themselves in the top four of the Barclays Premier League. To say the least, a top four position could salvage something from another frustrating campaign for the gunner faithful.

Walcott believes, it is down to the players now to deliver their level best and there wouldn’t be any better place to start a showdown against north London rivals (Tottenham) this Sunday.

Walcott said in the March edition of the official Arsenal magazine that Arsen Wenger always had so much faith in him from a very young age. But unfortunately they haven’t won anything for a long time. The payback time is long due and he wants to do it by winning something. He also added, the boss always took it back on himself when the team was not performing. But Theo feels like; it isn’t fair because they were the players that went out but didn’t perform. He also believes it’s just a trophy that can bring the gunners, where they should be.

Walcott is Arsenal’s leading scorer this season with 18 goals to his name and that includes two hatrics. While speaking to the press briefing, he added he feels good even if he is not in the game for a while as he can create opportunities and always coming up with something.


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Mirko Aranibar

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