Italy Serie A — 04 July 2013

PSG is ready to make a shock offering to Napoli to get Cavani: 4o million euros plus Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The Swedish plaEdinson Cavani & Zlatan Ibrahimovicyer indeed does not want to remain in Paris and could decide to see his wage reduced at around 7 million euros per season to return in Italy. This amount will be acceptable by the president of Napoli De Laurentiis, that in case of Cavani’s departure wants another top striker.

PSG and Napoli have good relationships, detail that could increase the possibilities to see this agreement concluded. Furthermore, the French club seems the only one that has enough money to get Cavani, despite this destination does not represent the dream of the Uruguayan player.

Chelsea indeed has made a recent offering of 58 million euros and will offer Cavani 8 million euros per season. London will be the favourite destination for Cavani and his attorney is working to find an agreement with Mourinho’s team. However, for now PSG has made the best offering for Napoli, even if Cavani does not like this option, because it seems that PSG wants him to substitute Ibrahimovic and not because the club appreciates him.

Till now Cavani has been called for the meeting of July between Napoli players. The exchange Cavani-Ibrahimovic seems convenient to Napoli, that will evaluate this alternative, despite the 40 million euros.


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Federica Cagliani

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