Premier League — 08 April 2013

The Reds and the Spurs tied playing at home

Liverpool and Tottenham tied in their respective matchups in Sunday activity for date 32 of the Premier League, bringing their season objectives to be not defined yet.

Both teams are not allowed to lose more units in the final stretch of the 2012-2013 season, but today they didn´t took advantage of their local status.

The “reds” played at the Anfield Stadium, they showed conformed with a goalless draw against West Ham United, party where the host let out valuable scoring opportunities through the Uruguayan Luis Suarez and captain Steven Gerrard.

Tottenham drew 2-2 against Everton on their end, at White Hart Lane, duel in which the “spurs” were without their best player the Welshman Gareth Bale, who was injured last Thursday during the quarter-finals game of the European League.

With today’s draws, Liverpool and Tottenham are not yet sealed the objectives that were set at the beginning of the campaign. The “reds” bet to reach the European Cups zone, while the “spurs” did so to qualify for the European Champions League.

Liverpool is at the seventh place of the overall with 49 points, out of any European competition, and Tottenham is third on with 58 points, in Champions zone, but this isn’t over yet there will be a tight fight and pressure between Arsenal (56) and Chelsea (55).


About Author

Mirko Aranibar

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