Premier League — 18 March 2013

Manchester United wins 1-0 at Reading

Ferguson s team took advantage of City s defeat and its now 15 points away.

Manchester United still must play nine Premier games this season, but caresses the twentieth league title in their history, after winning yesterday with modest comfort to Reading (1-0) and have open a wide gap of 15 points with their neighbors Manchester City.

The team coach Italian Roberto Mancini, with Sergio Aguero apart by injury, failed to an Everton struggling to get into European places (2-0).

After the moral coup suffered by the Scotsman Alex Ferguson due to his elimination from the Champions League at the hands of Real Madrid last March 5, the Theatre of Dreams celebrate Wayne Rooney s goal on minute 21 as if he had scored in a final.

The locals did not need to force the machine against Reading, the team who received more goals in the tournament, and which so far has only won one game away from home.

The visitors were cornered in their area at the very beginning of the match and barely managed to close the gaps by trying to sneak the United.

In one of the attacks from the Red Devils, the English Rio Ferdinand advance vertically into the area and its individual move culminated with an assist to Rooney, ready inside the box to shot a forehand into goal keeper Stuart Taylor s goal and finished in the net.


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Mirko Aranibar

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