Italy Serie A — 26 June 2013

Carlos Tevez is almost officially a Juventus player and AC Milan has now to change the strategiesAlessandro Matri for the future. Considered the departure of Robinho, Galliani has to find a new striker to associate to Balotelli for next season.

Alessandro Matri is the player asked by Mr Allegri, due to their common experience in Cagliari. This one could be easily associated to Balotelli and the strategies of AC Milan. Juventus is intrested in transferring him, but the cost is considered too high by AC Milan. 12 million euros for a bench warmer of Juventus are an exaggerate amount.

In Europe, there aren’t players available for AC Milan and interested in arriving in Milan. Higuain indeed is always nearer to Arsenal, while Sanchez wants to remain in Barcelona. Moreover, these two options are impossibile, due to their costs and their wages.

In Italy there are two strikers that could change team, even if they are not top players as the mentioned before. One between Osvaldo and Destro, or both of them, will leave Roma. The other name interesting for AC Milan is Muriel, Udinese striker. The Club is not interested in transferring the player, because another season as the last one, could permit Udinese to transfer him for around 30 million euros next season.

The last player with an uncertain future is Zlatan Ibrahimovic. In these days, in Paris, his future is being discussed. His return in AC Milan seems absurd, but also his departure last season was absurd.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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