Champions League — 24 April 2013


The unstoppable Bayern crashed Barça, who became a puppet. Barcelona will need a miracle at Camp Nou

The unstoppable German machine destroyed the Spanish team. The FC Bayern Munich has passed over FC Barcelona (4-0) at the Allianz Arena, and leaves a virtually sentence semifinal of the Champions League.

The current leg has a currently showed a clearly dominant, Barça played docile, and uncomfortable, they ended up being overwhelmed and controlled by a Bavarian unstoppable machine.

Bayern has again demonstrated that are very focus on wining the ‘final cup’ which was lost last year by penalty kicks.

A bad night for the “Blaugrana”, they were unable to create danger, lost the ball control, and were unable to assist Pedro or Alexis, and again we found that Messi is not one hundred percent physically, deteated by the ‘ German beasts’, always on top of him.

Müller, Robben, Ribery and Gomez an amazing and strong attack line, reached the goal line several times.

Muller open the score with a header after a center headed by Dante, Bayern’s second goal came by Gomez, where the “blaugranas” protested an apparently offside. and an obstruction to Alba in the third goal scored by Robben.

It seems impossible for Barca to turn the leg upside down at the Camp Nou, where only a catastrophe would give them the final pass. The magical Wembley seems now too far, and it will require more than a dream night in Barcelona for the Catalans to turn this tie.

The 4th goal came through Muller again, after a rush attack and assistance, the victory could even be wider for Bayern, Valdes stopped several chances that would have the 5th on the scoreboard.


About Author

Mirko Aranibar

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