Serie A — 13 May 2013

Juventus is the better team of this Serie A, a team that has important players, aArturo Vidalble to solve difficult situations and to improve their situation after defeats, such as the one against Bayern Munich.

It’s rumored a lot about a revolution for Juventus next year, but it is also sure that some players will remain for sure as key elements of the team. Buffon, Chiellini, Barzagli, Bonucci, Pirlo, Marchisio and Vidal are the players that are permitting Juventus to gain important results and to get Scudetto also this year.

All the other players could change and be at the center of the transfer market of this summer, but it seems that the mentioned before will remain as columns of Juventus.

Vucinic could leave his place to Higuain and play in Manchester United, Lichtesteiner could decide to play in Real Madrid, but the others have been confirmed. It is probable that Juventus will be reinforced with some top players as desired by Antonio Conte, that will play together with the current top players. The president of Juventus could decide to realize some important transfer operations to get money to buy a player that could solve Juventus’ problems in the attack phase, but at the same time he will invest in his best players to guarantee an excellent future to Juventus.


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Federica Cagliani

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