Serie A — 21 April 2013

The aim of this round for Stramaccioni’s team was tro try to save the situation, that was going always more worse due to the elimination from Coppa Italia and the position in the league table. Serie A is finishing and the maximum objective reachable for Inter Milan is tTommaso Rocchihe qualification in Europe League. Both Inter Milan and Parma arrived to this match with a negative morale, due to the defeats last round.

Stramaccioni lined up a reorganized Inter Milan due to the numerous absences: more than 10 players. The coach has been forced by the circumstances to employ Tommaso Rocchi as only striker, supported by Alvarez. Donadoni had available almost all his players, but this aspect has been not enough to win against Inter Milan.

The match indeed finished 1-0, thanks to a last minute goal scored by Rocchi. The match remained in equilibrium for the whole first half, during which both the teams tried to attack without realizing the advantage. Also the second half has been characterized by equilbrium, as visible in the result that remained 0-0 till 6 minutes before the end.

Now, Inter Milan appears qualified for Europe League, also thanks to Lazio’s defeat, but its direct enemies Roma and Catania have still to play. Parma continues with its series of negative results and absence of goal: the last goal scored by Donadoni’s players goes back to February, when Parma has been defeated by AC Milan.


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Federica Cagliani

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