Italy Serie A — 02 July 2013

Lazio has decided to reinforce the midfield to be competitive in the following season. The new arrivals Biglia anOnazi, Laziod Felipe Anderson are element with quality and that could perform in an excellent way. Petkovic has now available 10 midfielders, that could line up depending on the situations and on their physical condition. During last season indeed, Lazio has suffered the double appointment Serie A and Europa League, but thanks to the new arrivals, Petkovic could change the strategies.

Felipe Anderson, Hernanes, Candreva, Mauri and Ederson are players provided with quality and technique. Candreva, Mauri and Hernanes have shown their quality also last season, but the real surprises could be Ederson and Felipe Anderson. The first one remained often on the bench last season due to a long injury, the second one has been noticed for his excellent class in managing the midfield. Petkovic hopes that this session of transfer market won’t lead some of his players away. Candreva indeed, after his positive performance in Confederations Cup, has attracted the interest of Manchester United, while Hernanes is appreciated by several clubs.

Ledesma, Biglia, Onazi, Gonzalez e Lulic are the other 5 midifielders. Their main feature is the physical resistance associated with clear strategies of playing. They should be the columns of the new Lazio, that will be characterized by an aggressive attack, that needs resistant midifelders to be supported. Petkovic has still to organize the way in which these will play, but they are generally adaptable in several roles.

The first demonstration of Lazio’s possibilities will be in August, when Lazio and Juventus will play the Super Cup.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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