Italy Serie A — 20 June 2013

To conclude big operations in the transfer market every club needs enough money. Ishak BelfodilInter Milan is trying to get that money through transfers and not confirmations of less important players. Inter Milan is trying to save money to get the objectives established with Mr Mazzarri.

The missed release of Gargano permits Inter Milan to save 5 million euros, while the no confirmation of Chivu and Stankovic gives Inter Milan 4.2 million euros more. To increase the money available Inter Milan is trying to conclude some agreements: Cassano and Silvestre could mean money for Inter Milan, plus the saving on their wages around 4.5 mullion euros per year. Donati is ready to leave to Bayern Leverkusen, giving Inter Milan 2.5 million euros.

The sum of all these operations should be 16 million euros available for Inter Milan and a team nearer to Mazzarri’s desires. The new coach has a clear idea about who is fundamental and who has to be substituted.

The two objectives of Inter Milan are now Ishak Belfodil and Danilo, two young players, that perfectly fit with the ideas of Mazzarri and his management of the team. The acquisition of these two should cost Inter Milan around 8 million euros, permitting the club to maintain half of the earned sum to invest in someone else during this summer.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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