Italy Serie A — 02 June 2013

Strange news arrived in the last hours about the future of Fredy Guarin. The Colombian midfielder has been declared marketable by the new coach Mazzarri, changing Fredy Guarincompletely the projects for next season. Guarin and Handanovic indeed were considered the two starting points to build a strong and solid Inter Milan.

The departure of Guarin could permit Inter Milan to get money, that Mazzarri will decide to invest in the transfer of Zuniga, Basta or Isla. These three are the objectives of the coach, that does not include anymore Guarin as key element in his new team. It is more than probable that in the following days numerous offerings will appear to Inter Milan, because Guarin is an excellent player, desired at international level. The same applies for Handanovic, a great goalkeeper, decisive in several occasions this season and that could easily substitute important players, as Valdes, if the rumors about his departure from Barcelona are true. The other possibe departure regards Andrea Ranocchia, defender asked at first by Juventus, that could become the decisive element to permit Isla to arrive in Inter Milan.

In addition, Mazzarri has some other desires: Mathieu Flamini could leave AC Milan and Mazzarri has already prepared a solution in the midfield with him.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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