After the end of the 35^ round of Serie A, there is still an open challenge to avoid the relegation in Serie B. Except for Pescara, that is for sure relegated, Torino, Genoa, Siena and Palermo are still fighting to remain in Serie A.
Torino is in this position due to the series of negative results of the last five rounds. In fact, till mid March, Torino seemed having a safe position in the league table.
Differently Palermo, Genoa and Siena have been in a doubtful position for the whole championship.
One of the decisive matches is planned on this Wednesday when Torino will play against Genoa. This last one gained some points of advantage on the others, due to his last victory against Pescara.
Palermo will play against Udinese and this one will be another complex match for Sannino’s player, after the defeat against Juventus. However, the challenge to remain in Serie A will continue in the following rounds, especially in the last one, when Genoa will play against Bologna and Palermo against Parma, two enemies that could be defeated with concentration and motivation.
Siena is the team with the worst programme. AC Milan and Fiorentina will be his enemies, and considered the objective for which they are playing, the challenge will be really difficult for Iachini’s team.
It seems that the possibility to remain in Serie A is limited to Palermo, Genoa and Torino, even if everything could happen.