Italy Serie A — 07 June 2013

During last summer, AC Milan has completely revolutionized the team, making the columns of the Club leave to give yBryan Cristanteounger players the possibility to show their talent. In addition, Ibrahimovic and Thiago Silva left AC Milan creating a situation of crisis and disorganization. This season Mr Allegri has been able to manage these new young player after a terrible beginning of season, reaching the third place in the league table.

Massimo Ambrosini, historical captain of AC Milan, seems ready to leave during this summer to conclude his career in another Club. West Ham has already made an offering to get the midfielder, that has not clearly decided about his future. The other option is Fiorentina, that could decide to get Ambrosini for a couple of years to give the right motivation to the midfielders.

Kevin Prince-Boateng is ready to leave: the player is desired both in Bundesliga and in Premier League by important Clubs. Nocerino has played a negative season, often remaining on the bench: Roma, Napoli and Torino are interested in the player that probably will accept one of these offerings. Traorè has never played 90 minutes in AC Milan and Torino could represent the perfect destination for the French midfielder. The other French player, Mathieu Flamini, seems interested in concluding his experience in Inter Milan and Mazzarri has already expressed his desire to coach him.

Riccardo Saponara will arrive for sure in AC Milan, the contract has already been signed. Kucka and Poli could arrive in Milan to reinforce the midfield; the club is working to find an agreement with both the players and it is possible that something will be defined before the end of next week. Cristante, currently player for the young sector of AC Milan, will be promoted in Serie A. The last arrival is more a dream than a real possibility: the playmaker of PSG Javier Pastore.


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Federica Cagliani

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