Serie A — 15 May 2013

Inter Milan has to completely change his approach during next season to gain betterFredy Guarin results. The president Moratti has declared that he has already a project and that this new way of game should be centered on Handanovic and Guarin, two players that are appreciated also by foreign teams and that could attract interests in the transfer market session.

Different is the idea about Stramaccioni. Moratti, in several situations, has commented more on the injuries and the unlucky events of this year, not including information about the future of the coach. The final destination of Stramaccioni has not been defined yet, even if it is rumored a possible arrival in Milan of Mazzarri.

Inter Milan is already active to look for new players, able to reinforce a team that had numerous problems in this season, both due to physical and mental situations. It is fundamental that Stramaccioni, or the new coach, will have available all the players as soon as possible, to organize the game and develop strategies before the beginning of next Serie A.

During the following season, Inter Milan will play just in Serie A, due to the bad results of this year, trying to get an European qualification and trying to increase his position in Italy.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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