Serie A — 24 April 2013

Antonio Cassano arrived in Inter Milan during last summer, to play in the team that he defined as his dreamteam. The operatioAntonio Cassanon permitted the transfer of Giampaolo Pazzini to AC Milan, and it developed a lot of polemics due to Cassano’s critics to AC Milan.

At the beginning of this season Cassano seemed have found his perfect team, where he had good relationships with both the coach and the teammates. However, in January, Cassano had a serious discussion with Stramaccioni, overturning the equilibrium of the situation. In fact, after the discussion, Cassano remained on the bench in some occasions, and played only as reserve of other players. Currently, he is injured and not available.

Stramaccioni has been confirmed by the president Moratti, and he will remain Inter Milan coach also for next season. The problem now regards Cassano’s future. It seems that the player does not want to remain in Inter Milan with Stramaccioni as coach. He would like to come back to Sampdoria, but the operation seems impossible due to his high cost. For now, there are not teams interested in him, and the most probable solution seems that Cassano will remain in Inter Milan.

A big problem for Inter Milan, that has to manage this internal complex situation.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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