Serie A — 11 April 2013

There are still 7 rounds before the end of of this Serie A, but AC Milan, as the majority of the Italian teams, is already thinkinRiccardo Montolivog about the transfer market of this summer. Some roles will be especially important for AC Milan. The Club has to decide what to do with its goalkeepers, in case of the arrival of Perin. It is probable that if this last one arrives in Milan, one between Abbiati and Amelia will leave.

About the defense, AC Milan has to decide the future of Christian Zapata, currently on loan, but that is playing in an excellent way, being regular in almost all the matches. It is more than probable his confirmation in AC Milan. Different the future of Bonera and Yepes, whose contract will expire at the end of this season. It is still a mystery their future, even if Yepes could be an interesting substitute also for next year.

The situation in the midfield is more complex. Montolivo is the only certainity, together with De Jong that will return available before the end of next Championship. Also Muntari and Boateng will remain almost for sure. Center of next transfer market will be Traorè, that has played a few minutes in AC Milan and Nocerino. This last one is performing a bad season, compared to last year, remaining often on the bench, and making numerous mistakes, signs of scarce concentration.

Lastly, the strikers. El Shaarawy, Balotelli and Pazzini are confirmed. In June, Saponara will arrive in AC Milan, after the contract signed in January. He will occupy the place of Robinho or Bojan Krkic; in fact, one of them, or both of them, are leaving AC Milan in June.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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