Transfer News — 27 March 2013

The most interesting part of the transfer market regards players whose contract will last till 2014. Most of them are top players, considered fundamental for their teams, but another part wants to have a new experience in another team. Cambiasso

In AC Milan, the contracts of Kevin Prince Boateng, Luca Antonini and Robinho will expire. Probable the renewal for Kevin Prince Boateng, that after a scarce beginning of this season, is now starting playing in a good way. Robinho will leave for Brazil, his desired destination since this winter transfer market. Luca Antonini is not finding a place in AC Milan anymore, substituted by the excellent performance of Kevin Constant. For this reason the player will probably accept another team to play with.

In Inter Milan, Cassano, Milito and Cambiasso will decide their future in 2014. Cambiasso is sure to prolong his contract with the team, Cassano is almost sure, but not at all, due to the recent discussion with Mr Stramaccioni. Everything for Milito depends on the physical conditions he will reach after the injury, together with the 2013 transfer market of Inter Milan.

Juventus will sign a contract with Pirlo till 2015, while Totò Di Natale has not yet decided if he wants to conclude his career as football player in 2014. Zarate wants to leave Lazio, so a new contract is excluded, and the same applies to Zuniga and Nainngolan, both interested in a new team for their future.


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Federica Cagliani

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