Serie A — 28 April 2013

The 34^ round of Serie A has been decisive for AC Milan, that managed in maitaining the third position in the league table, one point more Fiorentina. In fact, today afternoon Fiorentina won 3-0 against Sampdoria, overpassing Allegri’s team. This caused a big Pazzini & Balotellitension for AC Milan, because the third place means the participation to the preliminary phase of Champions League, while the fourth place means Europe League.

The match AC Milan-Catania has seen a clear superiority of Allegri’s team, even if Catania scored the goal at first, thanks to Legrottaglie. Five minutes later, AC Milan got the draw, with a perfect action of Mathieu Flamini, returned after the suspension of last week. At the end of the first half, the result has been 1-1.

The second half started with a nervous AC Milan and Catania that maintained his strong defense, till the 20′ when Bergessio confused both Amelia and the defense and scored the second goal for Catania. At this point, Allegri decided to insert Pazzini and to remove Nocerino. A perfect choice, because the AC Milan striker scored the draw at 30′ of the second half. Pazzini permitted the advantage of AC Milan at 32′, scoring his second goal.

Ten minutes before the end of the match, the result was 3-2, and Catania continued the atttempts to score another goal. Balotelli, during an attack action, obtained a penalty for AC Milan, that realized at 40′, signing the final victory of AC Milan for 4-2.

Despite the fear before and during the match, AC Milan maintains the third place, while Catania has definitely missed the opportunity to participate to Europe League next season.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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