Italy Serie A — 06 May 2013

Despite the press conferences in which Galliani and the players of AC Milan have expresMark Van Bastensed their complete support for Mr Allegri, it seems that the president Berlusconi is still convinced to not confirm him as coach of AC Milan.

His possible substitutes, all of them appreciated by Berlusconi and with a previous excellent career as players in AC Milan, come from the Netherlands.

The first is Clarence Seedorf, currently player for the Brazilian team Botafogo, but that has already said that his dream will be to become the coach of AC Milan in the future. Maybe this future is not so distant. Seedorf seems a choice appreciated by the president, but not very much by the supporters, that during the last period, were criticizing the Dutch player for his negative perfomances and his absence of motivation.

The second option is Van Basten, a real hero for AC Milan. He started his career as coach in the Netherlands, training the national team, than Ajax and now Herenveen. His results are better as a player, but AC Milan has still a great memory of him as a man. His motivationa and his morale could be interesting for the Club, despite his not perfect technique as coach.

The third one is Mark Van Bommel, the midfielder that left last year AC Milan, to conclude his career in PSV Eindhoven. The player has no experience as coach as Seedorf, but it could be a good option.

Also Rijkard could be the future coach of AC Milan, considered the great memory that the Club and the supporters have about him.


About Author

Federica Cagliani

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