Serie A — 10 April 2013

Today the president of Udinese, Franco Soldati, commented on the current situation of Serie A, on his Udinese and on the projects for next season. At this moment, Udinese has a middle position in the league table; it will remain for sure in Serie A, and there are sBenatia, Udinesetill possibilities to play in Europe League next year. The president is satisfied about his team and hopes the participation of Udinese in Europe League for the following season.

Later on, the president comments on the big match of next round, AC Milan-Napoli. He is convinced that Napoli has an advantage, due to the position in the league table, but also due to the absence of Balotelli that won’t play due to a disqualification.

He also assured that Guidolin, the current coach of Udinese, will remain also next year, because the Club is satisfied about his management of the team. In addition, Soldati expressed his opinion about the future transfer market. Armero will probably become a Napoli player, even if Udinese and De Laurentiis have not decided anything yet.

The president spoke positively about Dossena, currently on loan in Palermo. He explained that he is a positive player, that increases the motivation and the morale of the his teammates. Benatia, at the center of discussion for his possible transfer to Napoli, will remain in Udine, according to Soldati, because he has the right features to play in Udinese.


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Federica Cagliani

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