Serie A — 22 April 2013

This 33^ round of Serie A has been characterized by goals scored in the last minutes that have determined the result of the matches. Romulo

Catania was defeating Palermo till 4 minutes before the end of the match, when Josep Ilicic scored a goal, fundamental for Palermo’s future. In this way, Sannino’s team gained a point, that could be decisive to remain in Serie A.

Also Napoli during the last minutes gained an important result: Lorenzo Insigne scored the 4-3 against Torino, permitting Napoli to assure its second place. Cagliari, played a good match, showing one of the most organized attacks of Serie A. However, Napoli due to its physical condition and its motivation gained this victory.

Also for Fiorentina, the last minutes of the match have been decisive: Romulo is the player that signed the final victory of Montella’s team against Torino. Decisive as well the last ten minutes of Inter Milan-Parma. Tommaso Rocchi, that played to substitute the numerous injured of Inter Milan, scored the goal that permits Stramaccioni’s team to overpass both Lazio and Roma and to increase its position in the league table, that now could participate to Europe League.

All the 4 goals scored in the last minuted have been decisive for the end of the match. Other important events of this round is the defeat of AC Milan by Juventus, thanks to a penalty scored by Vidal. Currently AC Milan has an unstable position, because Fiorentina could overpass it next round. Also Roma and Lazio have a critical position, after the results of the 33^ round.


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Federica Cagliani

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