The first series of games of Confederations Cup ended for group A: Japan and Mexico have been eliminated, while Brazil and Italy are qualified for the semifinal. Yesterday evening the last matches have been played: Japan vs Mexico and Brazil vs Italy.
In this last match, Mexico played in a good way, showing motivation and desire to win. Unfortunately, this has not been enough to qualify to the semifinals. Author of the victory of Mexico is Chicharito Hernandez, a double scored by him guaranteed the advantage of Mexico till the 42′ of the second half, when Okazaki scored the goal for Japan. Japan played in a tired way, showing physical problems. 1-2 the final result and both the teams out of the competition.
The result was not important because the two teams were already qualified for the semifinals. Brazil played in a good way, reaching the advantage immediately after the beginning of the match and at the end winning 4-2. Italy played a negative first half, but improved in the second half almost reaching the draw. Numerous the injuries: David Luiz, Abate and Montolivo. Negative the management of the match by the coach, that had difficulties in making decisions. Authors of the goals: Dante, Neymar and a double of Fred for Brazil, Giaccherini and Chiellini for Italy.
Now Brazil and Italy are waiting for the matches of this evening to know which team will be the enemy during the semifinals.

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